last week's post in which I 'fessed up to my cupcake cake aversion hit a nerve. Or, a hundred nerves. Yep, my inbox has been inundated with e-mails both defending the hapless creation and joining me on the side of decency and real cakes.
(And just to be clear: I have no problems with cupcakes.
C'mon: mini cakes you don't have to share? What's not to like? No, it's only when you cram a bunch of them together and slop on a gallon of icing to make a smooth surface that my eyelid begins to twitch uncontrollably.
Ok? So, to sum up: cupcakes good, cupcake cakes
The best part about all this public outcry, however, are the photos you guys have sent in supposed "defense" of cupcake cakes. Many of them are so bad I can only hope you guys are being sarcastic, '
cuz if not,
An example:

If this looks
familiar, it should: it's what the
Ojai cupcake cake was supposed to look like. However, looking at it you can see that
Ojai actually wasn't that far off the mark; I guess "shiny poo souffle" must be on the spec sheet.
Then there's this one:

Which I don't think is professionally done, but I am assured is still a "good"
These baffling creations, however,
are professionally made:

But I don't get it. I guess the mounds made into animals are the cupcakes? Considering how messy that would be to serve, though, why not go with a real cake? Plus, that only serves 9 I'll-just-have-a-tiny-piece people, or 3 kids - which is hardly worth the effort.
And here a decorator traded in the
neon french fries for a bad airbrush job:

Now granted, these are not the worst cupcake cakes I've seen - not by a long shot - but keep in mind that all of the above were sent in as examples of "good" cupcake cakes, people. As in, seeing these should make me change my mind and start
liking CCCs. This goes to show two things:
1) Readers L.G., Callie C., Michelle M., and Valerie M. are sweet people who
undoubtedly see the best in everyone, and
2) anything e-mailed to Cake Wrecks is fair game. Just
CCC indecency is spreading, too: check out this article in a recent issue of Family Fun sent in by Jess T. & Kelli:

"An easier way to decorate cupcakes"?!? That thing looks more like a radioactive zombie cloud than a pumpkin!
Of course now I know I have to throw some "good" cupcakes cake examples in here, if for no other reason than to prevent another tidal wave of angry pro-
CCC e-mails. Let's see here...
Well, due to the confusion over whether or not I was
vilifying all cupcakes, about a billion of you sent in these iPhone cupcakes:

Which are cute, but don't count; they're separate cakes and therefore Jen-approved.
Ok, we still need a "good" cupcake cake. (Yes, the "good" will always be in quotation marks.)
Ah, here ya go:

There's the ticket: draw the design inside the edges, thereby avoiding the scalloped look. Bravo, Carrie S.; you found a "good" one!
And Katie S.'s is still scalloped, but nicely done:

So there are two exceptions that prove the rule. I still maintain, however, that anything a cupcake cake can do:

A real cake can do better:
The floor is now open. Discuss.