A groom's cake is the curious wedding tradition by which the husband-to-be celebrates his inner geek/jock/die-hard fill-in-the-blank fanatic in cake and icing form. This often involves sports logos, hunting paraphernalia, x-box consoles, or my personal favorite: the giant snickers bar.
This groom's cake, however, has taken a cake genre already known for its ridiculousness and lowered the bar even further. Here we have what appears to be a cut raw mid-section of rainbow trout - which, while disgusting, I guess makes sense if the guy is a fisherman, grocery clerk in the seafood section, or sushi enthusiast. What defies the imagination, however, are the daisies scattered across the trout slab. I mean, daisies? Really? Like, I dunno, the raw trout torso just needed that extra feminine touch? Why not slap the whole thing on a doily and be done with it?
The bakery responsible lays the blame squarely on the groom, explaining that the guy had a dog named Daisy and so wanted daisies on the cake. Yeeeeah. Fellas, stick with cool Star Wars grooms' cakes, will you?