I love reading all the e-mails y'all send in, and over the past months I've had several proud parents send in the
cakey creations of their little ones, who they tell me are inspired by this blog. (Let's hope they're referring to the Sunday posts,
Anyhoo, I thought today would be a good day to give a shout-out to two of my young fans-turned-prodigies.
First up, there's six-year-old Max. According to his mom Alissa, Max demands to see Cake Wrecks every night before going to bed, and when he finally made a cake all by himself, he begged her to send it in to Cake Wrecks as "a good-looking cake, not a wreck."
Here he is, looking proud-as-punch with his
cakey creation:

Excellent work, young Max. I particularly like your sprinkle placement. Tell me, do you deliver?
And next, here's Kelsey holding a lovely two-tiered cake she made for her older sister's baby shower:

Kelsey's mom Renee tells me Kelsey made this entire thing from scratch,
including the fondant, and designed and baked it completely on her own. Not too shabby for a girl who's only - wait, what's this?
Today is her 15th birthday?!? Aw, hey now, how's that for good timing? It's almost like
someone [wink wink] wanted to feature her cake on her special day. Yep, yep, yep. So good work, mom, and happy birthday, Kelsey! May your cakes always rise, your fondant never crack, and your spelling skills never falter.