However, put her in the hands of these bakers and she becomes a puff-faced gerbil with a glandular problem:

This next one is deceptively nice, other than the RSS-icon hair bow...

I think this next baker tried to make a Hello Kitty vampire, but since HK has no mouth it turned out a little...odd.

Now, if you want a creepy Hello Kitty done right, you do what Bonefinder did:
And lastly, Julie M. found out the hard way that her local bakery either has no idea who Hello Kitty is, or believes she is Porky Pig's sister:
Hey Ayana W., Holly U., Kelly H., and Matthew Z., what do you get when you combine Hello Kitty & Darth Vader?
Answer: Something that horrifies every Star Wars fan in existence:
Answer: Something that horrifies every Star Wars fan in existence:

Everyone can relax; it's Photoshopped. For legitimate HK insanity, though, check out Hello Kitty Hell. It's funny stuff, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't think a lot of the stuff on there is adorable. (Look at these water bottles and tell me they're not just the cutest - go on.)