First up, my apologies to Steph H. for not posting her awesomely hilarious Halloween costume sooner:

The back:

Steph even started her own CW-inspired site called Tomb Wrecks. Now that's the level of devotion I expect from you Wreckies. Excellent work, Steph!
Next up, Manda K. has gone a little carrot jockey crazy:
Oh, and for you non-tweeting types who missed it, here's David & his jockey tie causing some familial consternation:

Many of you send in your intentional Wrecks - some homemade, some ordered, all hilarious. Here are a few of my recent favs:

Trish invented a mom version of "Happy Falker Satherhood" for her friend Nicole's baby shower:

Nice touch with the improper spacing, too.
This was the groom's cake at Carrie D.'s wedding, made by her friend and fellow Wreckie Sara T.:

And Max of Freed's Bakery sent me this hilarious homage specially requested by one of their customers:

And finally, some of you may remember Breanna K., who won Best in Show at the AZ cake show last year while wearing a CW shirt. Well, Breanna's back, and she won again! This time, she wore a different CW shirt, too:
Breanna, I think I speak for us all when I say it's a crying shame you haven't started your own cake business yet. Wowza.
And to the rest of you: rest assured I read and enjoy your every e-mail, but there are simply too many for me to post all of your pics. Therefore only the most creative/amazing/funny stuff will get on the blog.
And yes, that IS a challenge. ;)
- Related Wreckage: Show and Tell
And to the rest of you: rest assured I read and enjoy your every e-mail, but there are simply too many for me to post all of your pics. Therefore only the most creative/amazing/funny stuff will get on the blog.
And yes, that IS a challenge. ;)
- Related Wreckage: Show and Tell