As you are no doubt aware, today is National Hamburger Day. It's a day of celebration. Of history. Of patriotism. And, of course, of ridiculous amounts of icing smooshed between two cake layers.
Mmmm. Lovely.
That's not to say all hamburger cakes are bad, of course. Sometimes, a truly excellent one comes along: show us just how wrecked the rest of them are:
"Hey, hey, bay-bee! You got some fries with that cake?
"Whassat? Just dry cake crusts? Oh. Never mind."
Of course the key to a good burger wreck is to keep the customer guessing:
"Is that really a burger cake? And if so, what are the red pointy things? Or the yellow pointy thing? Is the fireworks doodad supposed to be helping? Do they honestly expect me to pay $9.99 for this? Really?!?"
Good questions, all, but more importantly... I the only one seeing a giant alien head here?
C'mon, green eyes, brown lips, cranium about to explode like a jiffy-pop bag? You see it, right?
Ok, ok, so it's easy to make fun of cupcake cakes (haaaaaw-ptooie!). It's not like it's much harder with these:
Bringing "dirty-iced" to a whole new level. (A dirty, dirty level.)
I call this one "The High Hat" -
And this, "The Escaped Experiment" -
"The containment field can't last much longer! Everyone to the exits!"
"The Bonfire" -
(Onion smoke rings cost extra.)
And finally, "Peter's Pack of Peppers" -
Now with beach sand topping!
Ashley M., Angela E., Alicia B., Christy M., Lindsey F., Julia G., Torie C., Stefanie M., Abelina V., & Paula B., have it your way.
And in case you missed it before, here's the reason John will randomly exclaim, "Der Burger!"