Well, let's be nice and just assume that's what happened.

The positive: they remembered to dot the "i."
The negative: there's an "i."
Tell you what, Wreckerator: if you can say it, I'll buy it.
The negative: there's an "i."

Preeeesenting! The One Eyed, One Exploding Sprinkle Brained, Cookie Purple People Eater!
I love it when Wreckerators place a bunch of little flotsam versions of whatever the cake is supposed to be ON the actual cake. You know, like this:

This one actually makes sense when you realize "RIP" stands for "rest in poo."

And this one makes sense when you...uh...no. Sorry. It just doesn't make sense.

I'd like to point out that the sign next to this one says, "Candy Fun Cake."

And I don't even like pumpkin pie.
Something tells me Mr. Skeleton is a little hard up.
And how do I know he's a "Mister"?