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Sunday Sweets: Movie Time

Uh, hello?

[tapping microphone] HellOOOooo! Is this thing on?

Huh. Well, apparently, everybody who reads this blog is either recovering from eggnog hangovers or camping in a secluded cabin in the wilderness with no internet service or toilet paper. So.

It's just you... and me.

[spritzing breath spray] [dimming lights] [slipping on red velvet smoking jacket]

Well, hello there. Come here often? Me, too!

So...seen any good movies lately?

Sub'd by Kristin C. and made by Kelly's Creations

Ah, I loved Mary Poppins when I was a kid. Sadly, I haven't seen it in like 20 years so I'm just gonna assume that this cake makes total sense.

By Annie of Annie's Art Book

Kung Fu Panda! Hand-painted landscapes! Nifty little scrolly things!


By Amanda V. of Bluebird Cakes

In case you weren't one of the eight people who saw A Bee Movie, this guy is from A Bee Movie. Which was aptly named. Unless maybe they'd gone with C or D movie, of course. [zing!] This cake, however, is A+ all the way.

Well, they did make a Phantom of the Opera movie. Which was pretty good, as I recall. By which I mean I recall lots and lots of cleavage. Mrow. Sadly, this cake is a bit of a bust in the cleavage department, though. [bah-dum-CHA]

Sub'd by Rei and made by Julie of Blue Cupcake

Awww, check out this adorable Wizard of Oz cake and cupcakes! Love the "tornado" at the bottom. (Is it wrong that I'm singing "The Wizard and I" in my head right now?)

Sub'd by Ashley C. and made by Glenda's Good Witch Goodies

Bom ba bom bommmm, bom ba BOMMMM

Ok, now I have the Raiders theme stuck in my head. And this cake is face-meltingly awesome, too. (See what I did there?)

Sub'd by Siubhan B. and made by Cool Cakes

Wow. This Mad Hatter's hat from the latest Alice in Wonderland movie is the sum of awe. Or awesome. Or both. I'm digging the tiny tea sets and the "fabric" texture.

Sub'd by Brenda T. and made by The KupKake Tree

Oooh, so pretty! So life-like! It's almost like you could just reach out and touch it, you know?

And finally, my most favorite favorite:

Sub'd by Terri J. and made by Sugar

Seriously. Bubo here (the mechanical owl from Clash of the Titans) just might be my favorite Sweet ever. But, ya know, I dig owls. In fact, maybe I should see the remake sometime...

Oh. Or not.

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.