(As always, if you recognize a cake that's not credited please let me know.)

Hey, we haven't had one of these in while - so how about a mostly fondant-free Sweet?
Here's another mostly fondant-free beauty:

Proof that you really can get buttercream that smooth! Oh, and those pink ruffles are fantastic. (Hey bakers, which tip do you use for those? Just a simple flat one?)
I pretty much love everything there is to love about this next one:
And this one:
That's an engineering feat right there - and so many great details!
Which isn't to say that simple can't be gorgeous, of course:

And lastly, I thought this was a clever way to hide columns, in addition to being adorable:

Ah, you just can't go wrong with buttons and bows. :)
Have a Sweet to nominate? E-mail it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com!