Why? Uhh...well, honestly, because the groom just slipped me a twenty."
As we all know, nothing says, "Look!! A dead deer!" quite like an edible photo of - waaaait for it - a dead deer.

Now, far be it from me to say a guy shouldn't have a patriotic groom's cake. However, there's expressing love for your country, and then there's....

(The lasciviously winking Spongebob isn't helping, either.)
Still, as you loyal Wrecktators well know, it can always be worse:
Mike R. reports: "This was the groom's cake at a wedding I photographed. (The groom lost his big toe in a lawnmower accident as a kid.) You can't see it in this photo, but of course the cake is red raspberry."
Oh, of course. I'm curious, though: Did the lawnmower take all his toenails, too?
Wait, don't answer that; I feel some dry heaves coming on.
Solli S., Amanda, & Anony M., that little piggy's gonna go "wee wee wee!" all the way through my nightmares tonight. [shudder]
- Related Wreckage: Proper Grooming