First we have the "Most Awesomely Geeky Baby Shower Cake" (EVER!!):

Next we have Luke, age 6, who made a "T Rex, NOT a cake Rex!" for a school contest:
(Oh, and he won the contest, btw, but that should go without saying.)
Hey, you know how you're always trying to think of more ways to include Cake Wrecks in your lives? Well here's an idea: use your copy of Cake Wrecks as the guest book at your wedding!
Next, Noelle F. shows us how to throw a birthday party, Carrot Jockey style:
And last but certainly not least, Malerie C. got crafty and made me a bracelet!

Many thanks to all of today's awesome readers, and to all of you who continue to make the life of professional blogging bearable with your notes, pictures, and e-mails. This has been a particularly trying week at the CW household, and so the time you guys have taken to encourage me and/or John has been especially treasured. Wreck on, dear Wrecktators. Wreck on.
- Related Wreckage: Fan "Art"