Yep, for you wreckies who've joined us in the past year, Epcot made its unintentional Cake Wrecks debut in honor of Earth Day, 2009. You can read the original post here, but in a nutshell: I posted a Spaceship Earth cake, and then made the mistake of calling it a Spaceship Earth cake. We then got about fifty billion comments (give or take fifty billion) telling us it was NOT Spaceship Earth, but Epcot. Many also helpfully pointed out that you could tell it was Epcot by the Disney font used on the cakeboard.

Now, as every Disney Geek knows, Epcot is the theme park and Spaceship Earth is the Big Golf Ball™ - and I am a huge Disney Geek. Plus, and here's the part that was especially painful/hilarious, John and I made the cake.
(Yeah, I know it's not great. That's why I posted it. However, I am one of only two or three people on the planet who've ever even attempted a Spaceship Earth cake. So, you know, I've got that going for me.)
Now, in honor of this auspicious occasion I would like to shower you with Earth and/or Spaceship Earth wrecks.
Unfortunately, despite extensive research performed during the commercial breaks for Dancing with the Stars (Go, Niecy!), I couldn't find any.
Still, I feel you deserve some kind of reward for reading this far without any new wreckage. So, here, I found you another Disney icon that's gray and round:
Wow. Just look at the size of that head! I'm not kidding, that is a huge noggin'! It's a virtual planetoid! It has its own weather system! And it's giving me an excuse to quote Stuart Mackenzie!
Oh, and if you look closely, you can see that he recently swallowed a small globe. Or has a globe-shaped tumor growing out of his shoulder - take your pick. Whichever: Hel-looo! Earth Day tribute!
Mandy P., try to work "like Sputnik: spherical but quite pointy in parts" into as many conversations today as possible. Because the earth needs you, that's why.
- Related Wreckage: Happy Earth Day to You...