Oh, and when I say "completely unrelated," I mean "completely unrelated."
And high, we suspecteth the Wreckerator was. Eth.
Look, this carrot cake was doing just fine without divine accompaniment - so why the plastic angel pick? Did the Wreckerator think that was actually helping, or was s/he meeting some flotsam distribution quota?
Care to pick a pack of plops?

Here's how you pander to fanboys and fangirls everywhere:

Plus, that upside-down bat logo tells us he sticks to the ceiling!
Perhaps you don't think these examples have been ridiculous enough, though. Nooo problem. What would you say to Dora the Explorer's head stuck in another doll cake's lap?
Personally, I'd say "Hola, Dora! S-O-C-K-S!" Because that's all the Spanish I know. I never learned what it means, though, so here's hoping it's not something dirty. (Although, frankly, that might be appropriate here.)
I have some thoughts about the snowman in the gal's lap behind Dora, too, but for all our sakes I'll leave that to you guys in the comments.
So, just how bad is the flotsam plop epidemic getting?
This bad:
Katrina S., Lisa K., Dawn, Frzn D., & Jane D., "flotsam plops" is officially my new favorite phrase. Flotsamplopsflotsamplopsflotsamplops. Heehee!
- Related Wreckage: Totally Cheating