(*Ok, that's kind of a guesstimate. [On a side note, my spell checker didn't flag the word "guesstimate," which clearly means that the English language is doomed. DOOMED!])

And lastly, Sonya D. took a cue from our April Fool's post and pulled a fun prank at her hubby's birthday party:

Those little egg salad sandwiches are actually cake filled with cream cheese icing and marshmallows. Pretty convincing, huh? Oh, and of course that means the birthday "cake" is...
And finally, I thought we'd end with the mother lode of Wrecks tributes. Check this out:
Megan M. writes:
"My friend and co-worker Killian was getting married, and the only way she would agree to having a party at work was if we would create a Cake Wreck for her. Considering we're a team of copy editors, we probably had a little too much fun with this."
My favorite angle:
And lastly, most of your e-mails make us smile, snort, or guffaw. This one did all three:

"So I'm not a professional, but I was informed by my older children today that instead of the bubble cake I was trying to make, I made boobies instead. My mother took one look at it and said, "Send this booby cake to cake wrecks."
Gee, I love my mother."
Gee, I love my mother."
And finally, Sharon Evans from Sharon's Edible Art decided that there weren't enough Cake Wrecks tribute songs in the world, so she wrote a few of her own. This one's my favorite.
[to the tune of "We are the champions" by Queen]
We Are Cake Wreckers
I've paid my dues,
time after time.
I've piped my worst,
but committed no crime.
And bad mistakes,
I've made a few.
I've had my share of cakes smashed in my face,
but I've come through.
Under neat, I want, I want, I want sprinkles!
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
We are cake wreckers,
We are cake wreckers.
No time for Spell Check,
'cause we are cake wreckers
of the world.
I've swapped the vowels,
from the telephone call,
I've brought you creepy, bizarre, and everything that goes with it,
I've wrecked it all.
But it's been no bed of roses,
just swirls of poo.
I consider it a challenge,
how do you spell that?
I have no clue!
Congratu, gradu, radu lations!
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
Flotsam and Star Trek,
Barbie and green Shrek.
No time for grammar,
'cause we are cake wreckers
of the world.
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
Grooms cakes and Epcot,
Is that Chewy? Great Scott!
No time to fix it,
'cause we are cake wreckers.
time after time.
I've piped my worst,
but committed no crime.
And bad mistakes,
I've made a few.
I've had my share of cakes smashed in my face,
but I've come through.
Under neat, I want, I want, I want sprinkles!
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
We are cake wreckers,
We are cake wreckers.
No time for Spell Check,
'cause we are cake wreckers
of the world.
I've swapped the vowels,
from the telephone call,
I've brought you creepy, bizarre, and everything that goes with it,
I've wrecked it all.
But it's been no bed of roses,
just swirls of poo.
I consider it a challenge,
how do you spell that?
I have no clue!
Congratu, gradu, radu lations!
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
Flotsam and Star Trek,
Barbie and green Shrek.
No time for grammar,
'cause we are cake wreckers
of the world.
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
Grooms cakes and Epcot,
Is that Chewy? Great Scott!
No time to fix it,
'cause we are cake wreckers.
We're looking for a Queen cover band to sing this for us. Know any? We can't actually "pay" you with "money" but there just might be some "cake" in it for you. [winkwink] [finger gun]