Now, Yoshi is hard to resist anyway, but mold him in chocolate...

(Sub'd by Josh G, & made by his lovely girlfriend Lindsay H.)
Also ranking insanely high on the "irresistible" scale is this grumpy goomba:
As a bonus bit of geek cred, I hear those music notes are the Mario 1-1 theme song.
My mind, it is boggled.
My mind, it is boggled.
This next one is actually made with brownies, but I couldn't resist including some old-school 8-bit action:

This delicious diorama comes all the way from Scotland:

(Hey, Fay, you looking to adopt any thirty-something geek gamers? Just curious.)
And because I'm in love with that little bomb:

And finally, a Mario face-off:
So perfect, it's hard to believe it's cake! Gorgeous.
Lots of fun coming up next weekend: John and I will be attending Star Wars Celebration V here in Orlando, so naturally next Sunday will be all Star Wars Sweets! If you have one to nominate, send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com. (And if you're going to be at Star Wars Celebration, be sure to say 'hi' if you see us!)