First, the world-famous Carrot Jockeys continue in their quest for world domination:
And here Julie K. commissioned the prettiest jockey cake EVER from High Tea Bakery:

(Psst. Guys. You're going backwards.)
Steven B.'s special order made me laugh:

As did Cat T.'s bee-YOO-tiful 3D Fireman of "Good Luck in China" fame:

This next one is left over from the holidays, but I had to show you Aimee M.'s great Sandra Lee Kwanzaa cake experiment:

On a happier - if still visually disturbing - note:

But wait - what's this? My wrecky senses are tingling... I feel like someone else is using the severed hand cake to propose. Who is it? WHO?

Mark H., you sly dog, you. Who could say no to a carrot jockey cupid?
Hopefully not you, Wendy Lu.
{UPDATE: Yes, she said yes!}
[sniff] My little wreckies are all growing up and getting married and stuff! [wiping tear] I'm just proud. Love, sprinkles, and "congralatulatons" to you all. And be sure to send pics of the wedding cakes. [evil grin]So, punk, you think your tribute Wreck is good enough? Huh? Then send it in, and let me be the judge of that.