Today I thought we might celebrate "Marti Gras"

Or maybe even "Mardi Gra"

Yessir, and that means it's time to PAPTY!!
Now, to enjoy your "papty" you're also going to need a bunch of deep-fried donuts cleverly disguised as deep-fried cupcakes disguised as...uh...whatever this is:
Next you'll need to clarify that when you say something with Mardi Gras colors on it is ugly... are, indeed, "dissing" the Mardi Gras colors in general. In fact, you're dissing Mardi Gras, and its cultural origins, and every single person who has, does, or ever will celebrate it. Because, frankly - and I only tell you this because I care - you're kind of a bastard.
You'll also need a small plastic baby on the OUTSIDE of the pastry, because NO ONE bakes a small plastic baby INSIDE the cake, and only an IDIOT would say that anyone ever has.
Btw, I'm going to show you a funny cake now...
...but we're going to ignore that and focus instead on the cultural, economic, and quantum mechanical differences between "Cajuns" and "people who live in Louisiana." Because this is a humor blog, gosh dang it, and that is very, VERY relevant.
And finally, my friends, we're really going to need an Avatar cake with Mardi Gras masks on it.
Just 'cuz.
Just 'cuz.

Let the deep-fried PAPTY begin!
Many sprinkle-covered thanks to Amy S., Kathlyne B., Linda, Dora L., Berny B., Auntie N., Georgia F., & Samantha G., who all know better than to ever assume a humor blogger might be a) joking, b) sarcastic, and/or c) fully aware of the fact that most King Cakes are not deep-fried OR donuts and just thought it was funny and had no idea cake was suddenly such a serious business and don't mind this facial tic I just need to have a bit of a lie-down now if that's alright with you.