And wait'll he hears about his promotion!

Now, there's a stereotype floating around that we Irish like to drink.

[head tilt]
Wait, no. That's Scotland. Sorry. I always get Craig Ferguson and Colin Farrell mixed up.
There's also a common misconception that we Irish have nasty tempers. I don't know who started this rumor, but if I ever find out I WILL CUT OFF THEIR BANGERS AND MASH AND FEED THEM TO THE LOCH NESS MONSTER.
That's Scotland again, isn't it?
That's Scotland again, isn't it?
So, in conclusion, this is a terrible four-leaf clover:

Oh, and also: Be careful when doling out kissing commands today. There's a big difference between telling an attractive stranger, "Kiss me, I'm Irish" and telling just anyone Irish to kiss you:

Yep, we Irish can be a bit creepy. It's part of our charm.
Rock on, Colin. Rock. On.
Thanks to Stacey T., Liz C., Jodee R., Cristina, Claire P., Emily C., Jen F., Rebecca M., Leslie C., Jenaro P., & Heather H., who are all honorary Irishmen today. So wear those red beards with pride, ladies.