WARNING: Parents, there be funny business ahead!
Bakers, will someone please get a handle on these clown cakes?
Bakers, will someone please get a handle on these clown cakes?
Wait. Let me rephrase that.
What I mean is, I'm seeing a lot of funny business lately...

(But do feel free to share a burning pee joke. That'd be hilarious.)
...and at some point we just have to ask SWEET MERCY WHAT IS THAT CLOWN DOING?!

Keep it up, Chuckles, and someday you'll be juggling one less dancing dog, if you catch my drift. (You know, tripping the blue elephant? Cooling the cream pie? Honking the big shoe?)

Keep it up, Chuckles, and someday you'll be juggling one less dancing dog, if you catch my drift. (You know, tripping the blue elephant? Cooling the cream pie? Honking the big shoe?)

And I'm not sure these censor dots are the solution, either:
Thanks to Dominique G., Jeny F., Kara P., Ibo, Melanie T., & Robin M., who are, suspiciously, all smiles.