Ok, all you guys who kept insisting the
Popped-Eyes Sailor Blobs were actually Bob from Monsters-VS-Aliens, listen up.
Bob is blue.
Bob has one eye.
Well, he looks like this:

"Yo homies! I'm bringing blobby back!"
This is the "official" Bob cake, made by
Sugar Butter Flour and served at DreamWorks yesterday to celebrate the movie's release. Fortunately Jessica G.'s hubby works there, which is why we get to share in the gelatinous joy.
Speaking of gelatinous, though, wouldn't it have been
awesome if they'd made him completely out of Jello? Sure, I'd rather eat cake, too, but
Bompass & Parr (creators of the infamous
burger-on-a-donut) have some nifty "Jelly" creations, some of which even glow in the dark:
Cool, huh? Plus, slap an eyeball on that sucker and you've got yourself a Bob!
Heck, now I'm inspired to go make some blue jello mounds with eyeballs. Then I'll bring them to the IMAX theater, and chuck 'em at the candy-wrapper-crinkling, seat-kicking, cell-phone-answering, talking-the-ENTIRE-TIME pests who sit behind me.
"Who's 3D now, jerk-faces? Huh? HUH? SHWA-POW! Bob in the face!"Hm, maybe John's right. Maybe I'm
not ready for the movie theater again yet.
Oh, and before anyone gives me grief, this is just Cake News, mmkay? Not Wrecks; Cake News.
UPDATE: Just learned from SuperPunch that Bob also visited the DreamWork's campus "in the flesh," as it were. Check out pics here.