It's been so much fun seeing what you guys turned up in your search for 80s Sweets. To narrow my selection down, I'm going to focus on things that haven't had a huge come-back recently, like Transformers and Indiana Jones. (Okay, so "huge" is relative. Boo Crystal Skull!) I'm also going to hold off on Super Mario for now, since he's got enough material out there to fill several posts on his own.
So let's kick things off down at Fraggle Rock, shall we?

Ah, but where are the Doozers, you ask? Not to fear; Amy R. found them!

Speaking of adorable characters, check out Rainbow Brite's sprite Twink:

Sorry, I'm veering off into extreme girliness again. Uh, here you go, guys:

Erin C. found it over on Hello Naomi's Flickr stream.
Here's some more arcade awesomeness, and our fondant-free Sweet of the week:

Moving along in the evolution of gaming, who among us didn't have one of these?
This was the groom's cake at Rachel G.'s wedding, by the way.
Ok, that's enough for this week. Tune in next Sunday for all 80s cartoons. It's gonna be, like, totally righteous, dude.
(Speaking of which, anyone have a classic GI Joe cake to send me? Or how about Thunder Cats? And I'm still waiting for something featuring the Snorks - c'mon, people, if you can't find one, make one! Is that too much to ask?)