I recently saw on Neatorama that "Tough Times are Good for Vasectomies". Apparently the current economic rough patch has more and more folks turning to the "cheapest form of permanent birth control".
So in addition to an increase in sales of frozen peas, I guess this means we'll also be seeing less of these:

And more of these:
I think my favorite part on this one is the random sombrero: like the doctor would come in, consult his clipboard, and say, "Ok, Mr. Smith, I am going to need you to remove all your clothes... but feel free to keep that bitchin' sombrero on."
And on a personal note, my hubby John would like to remind all of you fellas out there that the ol' snip-snip is only the cheapest form of birth control if you do it without general anesthesia, which, according to him, "would totally have been worth the extra two grand".
[eye roll] Men. A little scrotum-puncturing and tube-cauterizing and they turn into such babies.
Liz P., Michael W., & Jessica G., Ole!
Note: The "We have a runner" cake is by the fabulous Cakeworks - be sure to check their site for more hilarious designs.