I remember going to the ICES convention at Disney and drooling over the topsy-turvy pans. Sadly, they were like a thousand bucks* so we ended us getting the super-ultra-mini-version for like half a thousand bucks.** It's kind of hard to ice a top tier that's only two inches across, though, so we haven't had much success with it.
Check out this funky example:
Topsy Turvies are most impressive when it looks like the cake is juuuust about to fall:
And then there are the ones that really do seem to break the laws of physics:

I wanted to show you the nifty cake Bronwen Weber did on that Food Network Challenge last month, but this was the best photo I could find:

Just goes to show: If the folks at your party have the uncontrollable urge to run forward to try to save the cake, then you have done your job well.
And finally, for you Dr. Seuss fans...
Jen thinks this was the winner - or at least one of the winners - of a Dr. Seuss themed contest over on Cake Central. It was made by The People's Cake.
Thanks to, ah, Jen for finding most of these beauties. You're a real trooper.
* I'm probably exaggerating here.
** and here.