Did you know that on this day in 1862, the Mexican army enjoyed an unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla?* Yep. It was such an auspicious occasion that they named that fateful 5th of May... [consulting clipboard] the...er...5th of May.
Wait - is that right? [searching through papers]
Oh, but they named it in
Spanish - I see. That way, instead of sounding silly, it sounds all "exotic-like" to us Gringos.
Anyhoo, these days we Americans have put our own spin on Cinco de Mayo:
Namely, we consume copious amounts of alcohol at extended happy hours across the country. Though to be fair, some of us
will be wearing
sombreros at the time.
"Hey Jo, what'd you find down at the bakery?"
"Meh. Just a couple of Mexican clowns waving flags."
(Anyone else think those "music notes" look like a pack of sky-diving sixes?)
I was going to suggest that something like a
taco cake might be more appropriate today, but then I realized that's stereotyping. So instead, how about this?
Display it in a sink**, and all your Spanish-speaking friends will think you're hilarious. Or stupid. But then, they probably already think you're one of those anyway, so what have you got to lose?
Yenni, Matt J., & Kristin M., I hear happy hour starts at noon. Chop chop!
*Thank you, Wikipedia.
**Sink o' de Mayo? Get it?