Wait - is that right? [searching through papers]
Oh, but they named it in Spanish - I see. That way, instead of sounding silly, it sounds all "exotic-like" to us Gringos.
Anyhoo, these days we Americans have put our own spin on Cinco de Mayo:
"Hey Jo, what'd you find down at the bakery?"
"Meh. Just a couple of Mexican clowns waving flags."

(Anyone else think those "music notes" look like a pack of sky-diving sixes?)
I was going to suggest that something like a taco cake might be more appropriate today, but then I realized that's stereotyping. So instead, how about this?

Yenni, Matt J., & Kristin M., I hear happy hour starts at noon. Chop chop!
*Thank you, Wikipedia.
**Sink o' de Mayo? Get it?