Let's face it, weddings can be a little, well, predictable. That why we love it when a couple breaks out of the mold and, say, boogies down the aisle. Same thing with the cake: sure, white-on-white is pretty, but it's also kind of boring. How about a little personality? A little fun? A little pair of adorable bride-and-groom ghost toppers?

Yes! Like that!
(Found by JT and made by Sugar)
You've probably seen this one, for a pair of Katamari fans:
And for movie buffs, here's an ode to Event Horizon:
Now, you're probably wondering if it's possible to have a themed cake that's also elegant. I think so. I mean, check this one out:
(Found everywhere. Anyone know who made it?)
Is that not gorgeously geek chic?
Or how about this one?
That's King Kong scaling a skyscraper on top, and yet I think the baker managed a gorgeous, almost art deco feel to the cake. Sophisticated without being too stodgy, you know?
And lastly, my absolute favorite:
(Submitted by Angie Z and made by CakeFX)
Hilarious and sweet all at the same time. Sure, the topper is the first thing you notice, but check out how the baker "stitched" three different cake styles together. [kissing fingertips]