Or was that on Epsilon Ceti B II?
Whichever, the point is that I can post old Valentine's cakes without fear of the "fact" police getting all up in my cakey "business."
Now, kiss me, you piece of...chocolate!

After all, you alone hold my heart:
What, still not convinced? Then allow me to inscribe a few sweet nothings for you.
[finger gun]

SO...are you a puddle of oozing desire yet?
Ok, time to break out the big guns:

(You know, whether you read that as a command or an adjective, it's equally romantic.)
Thanks to Meagan M., Greg M., Kimberly B., Amber T., Natsk, Amy I., Rebekah K., Michael D., & Kyra, who always talk smack when they're feeling peckish, but still refuse to give me any lip.