The plastic clown head.
A history made even more colorful when the clown-headed pink dog is pooping a giant pink rose.
(So, in his defense, this clown's poop really does smell like roses.)
Over the years, the plastic clown heads have really gotten around:

And around...


After all, they were so darn versatile!
I mean, what better way to perk up your flowers?

Or add a lively accent to that jungle theme?
Devotees of the Wilton brand know this staple of cakey flotsam has a long and colorful history:

(So, in his defense, this clown's poop really does smell like roses.)
Over the years, the plastic clown heads have really gotten around:

And around...


After all, they were so darn versatile!
I mean, what better way to perk up your flowers?

Or add a lively accent to that jungle theme?

In fact, this time honored tradition continues today, only with slightly more modern sensibilities:

And the sprinkles aren't bad, either.
Yep, you could say today's Wreckerator knows just how to take these classic tools of the trade and use them to their fullest and most meaningful...uh...
I'm sorry, but do these uteri look funny to you?

Ovary funny: don't try cramping my style, funny guys. I know a fellow peon's pro creation when I see one, period.
Many thanks to wreckporters Katie C., C.B., Hannah C., Penny H., Roisin O., Erica H., Meaghan W., & Melissa M., who think you should really read that last line out loud. Just...'cuz.