So to celebrate, I'm doing a special double Sweets feature this weekend. I was planning all book-inspired Sweets anyway in honor of National Library Week, so just consider today an extra Tolkien Treat.
First up, a Hobbit-inspired beauty made by CW reader Natalie F.:

I love that she included Bilbo's book, There and Back Again!
There are quite a few gorgeous Hobbit hole cakes out there. These are my favorites:

Love the grass roof and the realistic "aging" on the walls.
The perfect green door:

Less realistic, but just as adorable:

So sweet!
This hobbit hole comes with a garden:

Plus, look how cute Bilbo is:

And, last but not least, here's a truly awesome Smaug:

Complete with a little Bilbo!
All I can say is WOW.
Well, hope you enjoyed the Middle Earth munchies! Stay tuned for more Sweets tomorrow. Now, I'm off to watch Jackson's vlog for the 5th or 6th time. (Awww yeeeeeah.)