Graduation season is upon us, which means you're going to be seeing a lot of stuff like

But then, I guess you see guys in sunglasses driving trucks pretty often anyway.
Still, when it comes to celebrating your graduation, not just any cake will do. We're talking years and years of educational accomplishment here! You need something special. Something momentous. Something, dare I say...groundbreaking?

(I dubbeth thee "
Or, for those who like things a little twisted:

The Grad Tornado.
(Get off my lawn!)
You could also go the "Wait...what?" route:
Are You Grad! Are You Grad!Wait.
Well, if all else fails, there's always the simple, heart-felt, "Congratulations":

Or, sure, something like that.
Thanks to wreckporters Tracie K., Jessica S., Shelley G., John I., & Heather W. for the education.------------------------------------------------