So, how do you tell your dad how much you appreciate him this Sunday?
Well, hopefully not like this:

Of course, if you do write it wrong, the good news is you can always fix it:

Oh, hey! If your father's dad is named George, then this next one almost makes sense!
Now, brace yourself for my famous Goldmember impression in 3..2..

"My farza is toit loyk uh toyger! Schmoke and a pancake?"
[bowing] Thank you. Thank you very much.
Or, if you want to take it one step "ferther":

"Fine, thanks."
"Gerald, have you met HER SUPREME CAKEY SNARK PERSON? She's quite snarky, you know."
"Yes, yes, I've known HER SUPREME CAKEY SNARK PERSON for years!"
Ok, so the actual title needs work, but I rather like it. Especially since it would give the impression that everyone talking about me has Tourette's.
Thanks to Anony M., Brenda Jo, Jessica I., Kristen R., Kristina, & Toni S. who ARE ALL AWESOME PEOPLE.
*Update from john: As far as we can tell, this cake was not made for a Haitian dictator.