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Easter Wreck Round Up

Man, I've had a rough day. Really, I'm beat. Good Friday was anything but. Plus, do you guys have any idea how hard it is to crank out this kind of quality, high-class entertainment* day after day after day? There's all the typing, and sitting, and mouse-clicking, and more typing, and sometimes I even have to look up words like "yarmulke" in the dictionary. Yeesh!

What's that? Get on with the Wrecks already? Fine. But don't expect my usual verve and vigor; I'm feelin' a little more Sturm und Drang. And grumpy. Definitely grumpy.

First, here's more proof that if you look good enough, no one will care what you say:

Soak it all up, Allison H., 'cuz "Sping" here is the cutest character you're gonna see today. Which is fine by me. Bah. Cuteness - it's just so...cute. Totally not conducive to a good funk-fest.

Yeah, so let Cute Overload have their Muzzle Puffs; we have Moldy Puffs:

And what are you smirking about, Mr. Pickle-Ears? Didn't you get the memo? I'm in a bad mood, so you're supposed to look grumpy. Like these guys:

Ok, now we're veering into territory that's more tragic than grumpy. [shrug] Works for me.

'Course it's a rabbit. See the white ears? And the artificial "Easter" grass on top? Really, I don't see how the decorator could have made it more obvious for you. [eye roll]

How about a couple of coiled yellow snakes to get you in the Easter spirit?


[Glaring beady-eyed] Maybe it's the mood talking, but I want to kick this cake. That bunny is way too ugly to be that stinkin' happy. He also appears to have laid a "chocolate egg," if you catch my drift.

[sigh] I know, I know, I'm spreading my bad mojo all over the place here. Maybe I just need to blow off a little steam by playing Impale the Flotsam on the Easter cake:

Or I suppose I could look on the bright side: This isn't my birthday cake:


Ok, yeah, that helps a little.

I could go on, but I think you have more than enough Wreckage to tide you over for today. And remember, send me some NICE Easter cakes for tomorrow, or else I'll...I'll...uh...have nothing to post tomorrow. Yeah. (Note to self: Work on "threatening" tone.)

Thanks to Bree L., Karolin R., Lysa, Megan G., Jennifer J., Darla D., & Mianne for today's finds.

*I know you can't tell, but I totally typed that with a straight face.