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The Elephant In The Room

Did you know that "seeing pink elephants" is a euphemism for drunken hallucinations?

By that logic, I guess seeing dead pink elephants is a euphemism for "the hangover to end all hangovers."

Anyone else think those were open graves at first? (Or the first 10 times you looked at it?)

Of course, there are degrees of hangovers, as anyone who's woken up next to a minstrel monkey in Prague can attest. Here I've compiled a handy reference guide to help you decipher what might have happened last night.

If you see this:

Then you may have had one too may shots of "worm-in" tequila.

If you see this:

Then I'd blame the lethal combination of purple people eaters and pork rinds while watching Pinocchio. (Seriously, this is not a good idea.)

If you see this:

Then you must know my friend Chris! Yeah. Next time, skip the green stuff.

And finally, if you see this:

Then I'm afraid what happened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas. Mazel Tov!

Well, happy New Year, Wreckies! Or failing that, at least have some "Nappy New Yeas"

Yea, yea!

Jessica, Georgia F., Emily H., Candace & Travis, Victoria, James E., & Yvonne W., here's to a sweetly "wreck-less" new year.

- Related Wreckage: Wasted Cakes