So what are all the "in-the-know" cookie
connoisseurs talking about these days? Why, the newest rage in baby-shower cuisine, that's what: fetus-shaped cookies!
And how do you GET fetus-shaped cookies? With a fetus-shaped cookie cutter, of course! (

Here's what they're saying over on, where you can purchase your very own
"At last, EVERYBODY can have "one in the oven" with the deliciously disturbing Fetus Cookie Cutter!
Imagine the expression on the teacher's face when your kid hands out oatmeal or chocolate chip fetuses to all the students. We can almost hear the Principal calling now."
They also point out that it takes a special kind of baker to make these babies, which I would have to agree with. And if you're still not disturbed, check out the video which features the song "Fetal Bites" to the tune of Edelweiss. (Sample lyric: "small and white, far from right, you sit on my tongue sweetly") I guarantee you'll find it horrifying. Or hilarious. One of the two, anyway.
Is anyone else picturing these cookies wearing little fondant bow-ties and top-hats, maybe even holding a (sugar) cane? No? Just me? Right, er, never mind then.
Heather K., I think you were the first to submit this, so thanks!