The lovely ladies over at
Cupcakes Take the Cake are having guest
bloggers ever day this month, and today my number was up, as it were. I thought it was only appropriate to educate the cupcake-loving masses over there on the many evils of the
CCC. Sure, this lesson is something of a repeat for you guys, but here are 3 reasons you should check it out anyway:
1) It's mostly new material (and new Wrecks)
2) I invented some classifications for
CCCs which may come in handy when you're
wreckporting in the future. So now you can say, "I spied a 'Stingy Decorator
CCC,'" and the rest of us will all nod knowingly at you. (
Ok, well, we'll *actually* be nodding at our computer screens, but we'll be nodding at you in spirit. Close '
3) I'm not posting any other Wrecks today, so it's all you're gonna get.
Compelling reasons, no? :)
Click here to read the article!