Sarah P.'s brother got this cake for her husband, an investment banker. It's like the Sci-Fi channel meets WWF: the earth has cracked open, and a demonic blood-sucking leech has attacked one of the wrestlers.
OH, wait - I just got the connection! Blood sucking leech/investment banker! How did I miss that?
And now a word from our new Director of Sensitivity, Pat:
"Jen in no way means to imply, allude to, or otherwise state that all investment bankers are blood sucking leeches or, conversely, that all blood sucking leeches are investment bankers. Any and all similarities between the aforementioned “Investment Bankers” and “Blood Sucking Leeches” may be purely coincidental and should be disregarded unless, of course, the above parties wish to be known as each other, in which case we, as members of the “World Community” should accept and embrace that choice."