Happy Presidents' Day, y'all! To help you get in the President-celebrating mood, I rounded up every presidential cake-specimen I could find. Consequently, this will be a pretty short post.
First, since Lincoln's birthday is part of the celebration, we've got to start with this lovely example sent in by Michael N.:
Love the Lincoln Memorial on top.Then there's this rather
less lovely Reagan cake:
That nose is going to haunt my dreams, I just know it.
(Note: This one's been floating around the interwebs for a while, so my apologies if it's not actually a pro job. In my defense, most of the pro cakes I see look a lot worse than this.) Now remember, Grace D.: if someone makes a cake bust in your likeness, it's a compliment...
...Not that they want to knife you in the head.
I already featured a bunch of
Obama cakes after the election, but be sure to check out the giant
5,900 cupcake mosaic of him and Lincoln from Friday's post, too.
And lastly, naturally this post wouldn't be complete without a George Washington cake.
Erm..... [frantically searching the 'net]
Ah, how 'bout this?
Ok, so it's perfectly centered, spelled correctly, and otherwise rather
wreckless - sorry. Oh! But look! The balloons on the bottom are
upside down! Eh?
Eh? That counts, right?
Hey, I spent at least 15 whole minutes searching for a better Washington cake, alright? This is the best I got. Honestly, you'd think bakers out there would see today as an opportunity to get in touch with their creative, powdered-wig-wearing side. But
Hmph. Downright inconsiderate, is what that is.All that to say: if you have something better, send it soon and maybe I'll post it.
And stay tuned for more Valentine's Wrecks.
UPDATE: Well, you guys certainly are sending in some...interesting...Washington items. So far I've gotten a
pie made in George, Washington, a hilarious but not post-able Washington Monument cake (no, you can't see it; it's not professionally made), what I suspect is more of a
Georgette Washington cake spotted at the fair, and my current favorite:

George Washington Carver.
Sure, M.Zak, that's close enough.