Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and depending on your relationship status and tolerance of all things stuffed and cutesy, you're either dreading it or looking forward to some sweet gift-swapping with your SO.
Today's post is more for the former group of you, partly because it's Friday the 13th, and partly because there's nothing like depressing and/or angry offerings from jilted malcontents to make you feel better about opting out of the whole chocolate-covered love fest anyway.
Besides, who can resist a sardonic cookie?

Or how's this for an expression of love: a heart cake chopped in two?

It's almost poetic, really. That, or the baker on duty just got dumped.

I think this is supposed to be a heart. A sad, bruised, limping little heart. Po' widdle ting.

Uh, this is a cake celebrating love, right? I only ask because I'm getting a more creeped-out vibe than the warm fuzzies. "Oh, these purple blobbies? Those are for
eating your soul."

Be yours? Why, you had me at the lumpy Pepto-pink frosting, Sugalumps. Aw yeeeah.

This cracked me up. I guess those emo kids working at the mall are good for something, after all.
(Yes, I'm kidding. You just have to figure out about which part.)Collette, Lauren C., Beth F., Jessica S., Paula L., & Julie D., here's hoping someone checks "yes" on
your Valentine cookies.