Because hearts and roses and bears are SO last week, here are some...
interesting... alternatives.
For the cat lover: a neon pink, vaguely feline amorphous blob, sporting what I can only assume is some kind of euphemism:

"I'm '
purrin' for you"? Do I want to know, Gabrielle H.?
(And Victoria, Anna, & Benjamin!)
For the Star Wars fan: a cake showing Admiral
Ackbar's softer side:
"Don't believe him, Haley B.; it's a trap!" And for you non-Star Wars geeks, this is Admiral Ackbar:
For the H.P. Lovecraft fan: a Valentine's

What's a
Cthulhu, you ask? Eh,
wellll, it's a kind of gigantic hideous tentacled thing, known to be the epitome of evil and horror. And as you can see from Melissa O.'s photo, it also comes in plush!
Speaking of plush...

I don't know what this is, Aliza E., but I think I want one. Whether I would hug it and squeeze it and call it George or actually ingest it, though, is
anyone's guess.
And here's a Valentine's treat for the...uh...emotionally constipated?

That's it, Ted S., let it
allll out.

Well, it's no
fungus cake, but it'll do:
I'm skipping breakfast.