Of course, they then LOSE those points for writing the instructions on the cake.
Believe it or not, some folks are starting to ask for Wrecks like these ("Happy Birthday Under Neat That", etc) which adds a whole new level of hilarity when the bakery gets it wrong by getting it right.
For example, Corrie wanted a Wreckplica of the infamous Curious George CCC that said "Cangrtalations Corrie" on it for her graduation cake. She got this:

Granted, I think the decorator captured the true horror of the original Wreck quite well, but she also "corrected" Corrie's intentional misspelling to read "Congrats Carrie!"
Wow, it's like a Wreck to the third power, huh, Corrie? That is so awesome.
And for those of you wondering about the first two: Katelyn W. & Erin M. assure me they're legit. And since they used very sincere fonts, I believe them.