(Sunday Sweets is my weekly NON-Wreck feature, to remind you how wrecky the Wrecks really are.)
I like the trend of making Father's Day cakes that look likes shirts and ties; it turns the cliche into something so much sweeter. Check these out:
Ok, so the sweater is a wee bit shiny, but you've got to admire the skill all that piping required. Plus, it's mostly fondant free!
For the more formal, pinstripe-wearing Dad, Jen C. found this one over at
Jill's Sugar Collection:
See how those stripes pool into little dots at the bottom edge without breaking? That's talent. Kudos, Jill.
Laudine F. found this beautifully detailed number on
De Leukste Taarten:
I'm not sure who the baker is exactly, though, since my Dutch is pretty rusty.
(And by "rusty" I mean "non-existent".)(UPDATE: Apparently y'all have non-rusty Dutch and the name of the baker is Lieselotte. Bedankt!)
And check out what
Bakerella whipped up for Dad:
So. Cute.
Those are mini cupcakes (with brownie centers) for the burgers, and sliced sugar cookies for the fries. Even better,
Bakerella provides the templates to make the baskets & french fry holder for free on
her site. (I'm sure you could modify that text for birthdays or other holidays.)
Oh, and a Happy
Falker Satherhood to you all!