You could argue that some of these aren't exactly Wrecks, but they're just too "good" not to share.

Don't you hate it when the cake eavesdrops, Anne L.?
Here's an oldie but a goodie from Kristen R.:

The alien armada, coming in for a landing.
Inmagine is a stock photo site, so here's hoping this is a joke, Emily S. Or maybe an ad for
Big Love?
(Gorgeous cake, though, huh?)
I can forgive many things, Dawn M., but forgetting to ice the cake is not one of them.
And here's another classic, found by Lynna at
World's Ugliest Wedding Cakes, I believe:

Wow. Remember when
Beanie Babies were such a great investment, because their value could only increase? Kind of like our houses four years ago?
(Oh, SNAP, economy.) Yeah. Those were good times.
Tune in tomorrow for part two, because oh yes, there are more.