I haven't had much time to write lately, but fortunately these bakers have provided all the commentary we need:
So many questions...
...so little interest in the answers.
(Not pictured was the
third cookie cake, which read
"Nothing. Two should be enough, thanks!"*)

Poor "ChRis"; not a speck of orange to be found!
*Yes, I'm joking; there wasn't a third cake. (So far as I know.)Stephanie J., Kathryn S., Wendy M., & Jenny, you guys rock in all caps!- Related Wreckage: Wreck Creators
NOTE: D'oh! Ok, you doubters were correct: the "in Spanish" cake IS an intentional order. Sorry, Tasteful Cakes, and thanks for having such a great sense of humor about it!
UPDATE ON JOHN: John is out of ICU and feeling gooood! So good, in fact, that he's been pestering the publisher to let us go straight back on tour the second he's discharged from the hospital. (Hm. Maybe I should recommend another head examination...)
It will be a few weeks before his lungs are completely clear, and he will continue to be on massive amounts of antibiotics in the meantime, but as of this moment you'd never know he was deathly ill a few days ago. That's the power of prayer, warm wishes, good juju, and modern medicine for you! Thank you all SO MUCH; your e-mails, comments, jokes, tweets, pics of get-well cakes, and offers of help have been overwhelming, and helped us more than I can say.