Anyway, this past week the Great White Snark beat me to the clockwork punch by posting a gorgeous Steampunk cake. So in retribution (why yes, I am that petty) I shall now trump his post by featuring several gorgeous steampunk cakes. Hah! Take that, Snarky-boy!
First, a sweetly feminine Steampunk butterfly:
Next, here's one inspired by a Penny Arcade game:
I love the rich simplicity of this one:

It's hard to believe this next one is actually cake:
A consumable copper cake cephalopod. Excellent.

Here's a spectacular groom's cake:

One more view - just 'cuz it's so darn cool:

Do you have a cake you'd like to nominate for Sunday Sweets? Then e-mail it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
- Similar Sweets: (Dr.) Horrible Sunday Sweets
- Similar Sweets: (Dr.) Horrible Sunday Sweets