So my question is this: how heavy does your southern accent have to be that you not only
pronounce it "
Hailoween", but you also think it's
spelled that way?

Go on, say it out loud. It's fun. You know you want to.
Hah! See? Told you it was fun.
And speaking of Wrecked inscriptions...

I'm kind of getting a mixed message here.
And speaking of things that are mixed up...

I think some
body needs an anatomy lesson.
speaking of anatomy:

These are NOT what you think they are.
Unless you think they're simply flesh-colored versions of a "pumpkin" and a "haystack," that is. Then they
are what you think they are. Allegedly.
Kind of like how
this is allegedly a pumpkin:

...and NOT a turd exploding on the sun.
Chickpea, Katie H., Sarah C., Bill P., & Rebekah F., that stem really wipes out the competition, doesn't it?
- Related Wreckage: Why You Don't Raid Other People's Refrigerators