Just realized I haven't posted anything about the tour stops in Chicago and Dallas. (I can't imagine
how that slipped my mind...)
First, let's take a look at the
redonkulous Carrot Jockey cake, provided by of Gena of
iHeart Cakes:
Isn't she gorgeous? Gena, I mean. The Carrot Jockey is, uh, well, rather creepy. But in a good way, of course. ;)
That's cookie crumb "dirt," and it tasted grrreat!The crowd:

Our "winners":
Gina (the grand prize winner), Stephanie, & EricAnd their entries:

I love that Eric found a mini lace doily to put this on. Heh.And here are a few more of my

You can see all of the entries in the
CW Facebook album
Stay tuned for pics from Dallas, the show where everything went wrong. (But a good time was still had by all. [Except for John.])