Warning: Mildly naughty content ahead. (Aw yeeeeeah.)
Of course, some Santa cakes can be quite entertaining - in an adult, full-of-hot-air, dolled-up kind of way. (Putting the "b" in "subtle," that's me!)

On the other side of the...coin...we have this:

(That was rhetorical. I really, really don't want to know.)
No, sorry, I can't do it. Provide your own commentary, you filthy, filthy readers, you.
Well, fortunately, I think that was the worst of the...
[biting lip] So...many....puns... Must...resist...
Nope, I give up. Ready?
Not to blow things out of proportion, but let's face it: this head cake really sucks!
Nope, I give up. Ready?
Not to blow things out of proportion, but let's face it: this head cake really sucks!
[bowing to tumultuous applause] Thank you, thank you. Yes, it was quite a mouthful, but I'm glad I got it out of my system.
Alisa K., Kierstyn S., Miki C., Sarah H., and Chelsea & Claire, be sure to bookmark this post for Christmas day. After all, it's nice to liven up the usual awkward silences with family with a few extremely awkward stifled screams of laughter. [nodding seriously]
- Related Wreckage: Santa Gets the Shaft
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