But, I digress.
Where was I?
Right. Yule logs!
Here comes one now:

Oh, that sort of sounds suggestive. Uh. Never mind.
Okay. Well how 'bout some other Yuley goodies?
And finally...The Last One.
So there you have it. The Majestic Yule Log. All warm and fuzzy? Good, good.
Thanks to Carrie F., Melissa B., Jenichan, Anna L., Shannon K., and Jessica S., who I'm sure know what the phrase "dropped a log" means, even if Jen doesn't.
Note: Yes, yes, we know what a Yule Log is. It's the First Fruits tree branch that was carved into a Menorah and given to the Baby Jesus at Winter Solstice. And I'm pretty sure there were Pilgrims involved too.
- Related Wreckage:
It's the last day in our charity countdown! Woohoo! So today, what with it being Christmas Eve and all, we thought we'd end with a charity that helps promote the wonder of the season year-round for kids who need it most: Give Kids the World.
This organization provides children with life-threatening illnesses and their families truly magical experiences at the Give Kids The World Village, a 70-acre Orlando resort specifically designed for children with special needs. (This place is amazing, too - check out some of the photos!)
Click here to donate your dollar via our First Giving Campaign page.