Turns out, s/he is also in the cake business.
Why don't you call a friend over, click on the photo to enlarge it, and then take a few moments to count how many pieces of plastic there are? Next you can debate whether "Christmas" is two different colors to call attention to "Christ" or because someone ran out of red icing. Then, just for funsies, estimate how many bottles of sprinkles were poured on to make that thick crunchy coating.
Frankly, we could be here all day.
Ok, fully savored? Good.
Now, imagine being a business person, and one looking to expand that business. Would you - hypothetically speaking - think the above cake would be an effective marketing tool?
Why do I ask? Uh...well...
Yes, a wedding planner.
Who wants you to hire him.
To plan your wedding.
Is your friend still there? Good. Next time killer: imagine a wedding thematically congruent with that cake. Maybe draw a few pictures. Then send them to me - cuz THIS I gotta see.
To be honest, A. Nony, I'm a little jealous: this would've been a brilliant way for me to send my own holiday greetings out.
- Related Wreckage: Ye Olde Yuletide Ax
UPDATE: Well, I can't say I didn't ask for this. Heheh.

Then we have Fanboy Wife's creation:

Another Update: Ok, one more, from 15-year-old Kelsie:

Love the children's choir. ;)
Today's charity, Habitat for Humanity, builds houses for those in need. Donations go towards building materials, and volunteers help partner families build. The homes are sold to these families at no profit, so that the mortgage payments can be used to build still more Habitat houses around the world. Nifty, no?
Click here to donate your dollar via our First Giving Campaign Page, or go the extra mile and help build a house near you.
Click here to donate your dollar via our First Giving Campaign Page, or go the extra mile and help build a house near you.