Ok, so the analogy breaks down somewhat.
Kind of like snowflake cupcake cakes! Booya!! Haha!

Horribly, hilariously unique.
This one is especially aMAZing:

In fact, just for reference I had to go hunt down a photo of a real one:
Now, Wreckerators, sometimes your snowflake will end up looking like a drunkenly assembled dream catcher. When this happens, DON'T PANIC. Just write us a clue before setting it out for sale.

Of course, some of you Wreckerators still can't resist playing tic-tac-toe on the baked goods, can you? How do I know?
Nicole M., E.S., Kit, & Katherine C., you know what they say: there's no business like snow business.
- Related Wreckage: Yes, Let's!
Today's charity, Child's Play, provides children's hospitals with toys and games in several different countries. Imagine being a kid stuck in a hospital at this time of year, and you can see why this is such a great idea. Some of the toys are given to the children to keep. Others, like game console systems, stay with the hospital for all the kids to use.
Child's Play prefers donations via Paypal (woohoo!) but you can also give via our First Giving Fundraising page.
Want to go the extra mile? Child's Play has links to participating hospitals' Amazon wish lists, so you can buy a toy for one near you and have it shipped directly to them. Check their map to find a hospital near you.