I guess it started innocently enough.
The problem started when some wreckerator somewhere looked at that and thought, "Hey, that saves me four whole letters! I should write it that way ALL the time!"
And so...[dramatically steepling fingers]...it began.
First a dash was added, to make it seem more respectable:

Then they ditched the 'B':

Next, the "day":
Can it get any worse, you ask?
Oh, please. You know better than to ask that by now, don't you? [smirk]

And yet, shockingly, we still haven't gotten to the worst part of this whole abbreviation craze.
Think with me for a moment: are there any holidays out there that might not do well in an abbreviated form? Any at all? C'mon. Think about it.
Give up?
Oh, good. I'm positively itching to show you this last photo.